Thursday, May 10, 2012

We Just Look Like "Fag-Haters" and Religious Politicians

Been emailing with a friend about all the homosexuality focus in the media right now. I thought this comment from him was well put as it pertains to perceptions of Christians amidst the broader cultural discussion.  We would be wise to keep these things in mind.  It speaks more broadly to discipleship that should be flowing from our local churches and into the culture at large.
Another thought on this issue--the idea of selflessness or denying self should be the stock and trade of Christians no matter the domain. At its very worst a "big hair" evangelist living a fiscally indulgent life while condemning homosexual people, makes all of us look stupid as Christians. If selflessness is demonstrated across the board and the rallying cry of the church is a Jesus-like commitment to universal selflessness, the issues related to sexuality fine their proper place in the discourse. Without that we just look like "fag-haters" and religious politicians.


Mike Lynch said...

I am concerned from some of the things I'm reading that this issue could go in another direction: that homosexuality will be downplayed as "just another sin." God's word is pretty severe with respect to this sin and there ARE some sins worse than others ("He who delivered me over to you has the greater sin"). This idea in conjunction with homosexuality (or sodomy and perversion as a faithful reading would say)being normalized IS a threat to apologetics surrounding the discussion.

Johnny P said...

How does this passage play into a "hierarchy of sins"? “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen." Ezekiel 49-50

Vitamin Z said...

Hey Ned,

Thanks for your comment. There is much there to interact with. Just no time today! If you want to get coffee sometime, let me know.
