Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Collision of Worldviews

Al Mohler:
The assumptions framing the abortion positions of the two parties include the belief that every human life is sacred and to be protected at every point of development contrasted with the belief that a human life takes on greater worth and right to live as the development continues, but is tentative at least until the moment of live birth. The belief that the baby is itself the most urgent moral unit is contrasted with the belief that the woman and her right to control her own reproductive destiny is paramount. Behind these beliefs stand convictions and assumptions about human dignity, the worth of human life, the responsibility of the society to every human life, the purpose and end of human reproduction, and nothing less than the meaning of both life and death.

We are not looking at minor matters of political difference. We are staring into the abyss of comprehensive moral conflict. Christians voters cannot escape the consequences of their vote and the fact that our most basic convictions will be revealed in the voting booth come November. Christians cannot face these questions without the knowledge that God is the Giver of life, who made every human life in his image.
Read the rest.

1 comment:

Michael said...

"contrasted with the belief that a human life takes on greater worth and right to live as the development continues"

You also believe this. Ask yourself, if there was a burning down building with a canister of 1000 frozen zygotes, and one newborn child, which would you save?

Also, did you know that a large percentage of zygotes don't even implant in the womb and die? Far more "people" die of this than say, childhood leukemia. Why don't we spend more money on saving the zygotes?