Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Gospel Implications

Jonathan Leeman:
Don't be afraid of people who will make fun of you for being a Christian. Don't be afraid of those who might persecute you. Don't be afraid of losing your job, your family, or your life. Be strong and courageous. God alone is to be feared. Obey him.

Often it's our fear of the world that lies behind our disobedience. We fear what we might lose: our reputation, our money, our job, our safety, our lusts, our ambitions, even our life. So we try to take control of our circumstances and do whatever it takes to hold on to what we want.

Knowing that God is generous and faithful to his promises helps us be strong and courageous because we can trust his character as we pour out our lives for him.

This means that as Christians, we can be generous with our money and time, knowing that God cares for us and will provide for us. Don't worry!

This means we can take the gospel to tough neighborhoods and hostile nations, knowing that God will keep his promises---that his sheep in those neighborhoods and nations will hear his voice and that nothing can separate us from his love. Don't fear!

This means that we can have the courage to be faithful as parents and as spouses, doing what is right in those relationships day after day, even though the results are not always visible.Don't be anxious! Take courage.
Read the rest.

Books by Jonathan Leeman:

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