Thursday, March 21, 2013

25 Things I Learned in Church Planting

Christine Hoover:
In 2008, God called my husband, Kyle, and me to plant a church in Charlottesville, Virginia. Though we had eight years of ministry experience under our belts at an established church, we didn't yet know all that we didn't know. We had much to learn and, more importantly, God had much sifting and pruning to do in our hearts.

God has shown me that, more than anything, he wants my heart. He wants a tender, moldable heart willing to obey more than he wants any obligatory service I can give him. As I write in my new book, The Church Planting Wife: Help and Hope for Her Heart (Moody, 2013), I've learned a thing or two in this crazy adventure called church planting—and I trust I'll learn more as we move forward. Here are 25 things I've discovered so far.
Read the rest.

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