Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why Prioritize Family Meals?

Brian Howard:
1. Family meals create conversation that otherwise wouldn’t happen.
2. Family meals facilitate quality parenting moments.
3. Family meals require our our kids to eat foods that are good for them.
4. Family meals improve your kids’ overall physical health.
Read the rest for his explanations.

I would add one more.

Family meals point to the echatological reality to which we all lean when our true family will be gathered at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  Our small, immediate families point to this future reality and should serve to remind us and cause us to rejoice.

Recommended reading:  A Meal with Jesus

1 comment:

Pastor Keith said...

I love my family meals, but your picture looks like it came from the wall of my dentists office :) those are some WHITE teeth. haha.