Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Don’t just tell people to believe the gospel but tell them what this “good news” is.

Nick Laparra:
Preachers and teachers need to be especially considerate to the language they are using. It can be very easy to slip into using a bunch of doctrinal terms and reference bible characters as if everyone knows who or what you are talking about. This assumes too much isolating the unbeliever or new believer and can create missed opportunities to share the gospel with the lost or help the new believer grow in maturity. Let us be considerate and take the extra time to explain every doctrinal term and use language that is common to our context and culture. This is the very art of teaching is it not!

Finally, I have noticed and caught myself often being sloppy with the gospel. Even us gospel centered disciple makers can be lazy and hear of people sin’s and issue’s and toss out a quick, “well you just need to believe the gospel.” We can take this precious word and mishandle it until it loses it’s meaning. Don’t just tell people to believe the gospel but tell them what this “good news” is. Pray through what aspect of the gospel they may need to hear. Do they need a reminder of the good news of the forgiveness won for them on the cross? Or do they need a reminder of the good news that Jesus is alive and will return one day to make all things new. Maybe they feel hopeless to beat sin and need to hear the good news that Jesus sent the Spirit to dwell in us. Explaining the good news of the gospel is powerful for everyone who speaks and hears it.

In addition, use God’s word to show these truths. God’s word is rich with explanations of the good news and is our best tool for revealing all that Christ accomplished for us on the cross. Use God’s word to explain the gospel and others will start looking to God’s word on their own to understand the gospel.

Language is a gift. Let us use it wisely and intentionally to create a culture that encourages and builds up generations to love and serve Jesus as his church!
Read the rest.

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