Saturday, June 29, 2013

Got a stack of books you want to read but don't have time? Stop and read this first.

Guest post by John Poitevent


How many books are out there that you wish you had time to read? Some church leaders we know keep a list of “must read” books, but they can’t seem to find the time to read them all. Sound familiar?
That’s why we created SUMS. There are so many great books out there—authored by both ministry and business leaders—that can help you go ahead in your leadership. SUMS are short, 5-7 page summaries of the books we think will give you a personal leadership boost. Our team is always reading and we’ll turn the best books we read into SUMS issues that save you time and add enormous value to your leadership.
If you're a leader, and you are not yet familiar with SUMS free book summaries, you are missing out on an incredible resource. Like me, your pace of life probably doesn't permit you to do the reading you would like to. And when you set aside time to read, you want it to be as productive as possible. Through SUMS you can quickly get the essence of each book, then choose which ones  you'd like to dig into deeper. And just in case you're wondering, I don't work for these guys. I don't even know them. But I do know that to be a better leader, I need to read more, and I am a finite person.

With current books from pastors like Matt Chandler, Tim Keller and Andy Stanley, as well as leadership gurus like Jim Collins, Patrick Lencioni and Seth Godin, these are resources you NEED to be reading.

To get you started, here's a link to Tim Keller's Center Church. This book should be standard issue for any pastor who cares about effectively reaching their city with the gospel.

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