Friday, August 02, 2013

“I Am Not a Monster”

Al Mohler:
The crimes Ariel Castro committed defy the moral imagination. Added to the enormity of his crimes is a lack of remorse. Castro seems to have little moral conscience or sensibility. He is clearly not haunted by the knowledge of what he has done. He even told the judge that, in his own mind, he saw the three women he abducted, assaulted, raped, and  imprisoned as part of a happy home. 
In his most provocative statement, Castro declared: “I am not a monster. I am a normal person. I am just sick.” Even after admitting that he committed over 900 crimes, including aggravated murder, rape, and assault, he insisted that he is “not a violent person.” He claimed to be the victim of a sexual addiction and exposure to pornography. 
So, what is he? How should Christians think of Ariel Castro? Is he just sick? Is he a monster? Could he really be “a normal person”?
Read the rest.

Books by Al Mohler:

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