Thursday, August 29, 2013

This is What Is Looks Like To Own Your Sin

Wow.  Powerful video.  Mike Tyson is amazing. No blame-shifting, just plain repentance.

Here is the backstory from the Mockingbird blog:
Mike Tyson may honestly be my favorite person in the world. Case in point: the press conference he held last week after making amends with Teddy Atlas. As far as context, Teddy Atlas was a key assistant to Tyson’s trainer/adopted father Cus D’Amato when Tyson was coming up in the early 80s. In 1983, Atlas and the 16 year old Tyson had an altercation after Tyson allegedly harassed an 11 year old female relative of Atlas’s. Atlas put a .38 caliber handgun to Tyson’s ear and told him that he would kill him if he ever touched any member of his family again. The incident led to Atlas’ dismissal from the Catskill Boxing Club, and he was told he was no longer welcome in D’Amato’s home or around any of his adopted children. Cut to 30 years later and a ringside meeting...
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