Friday, October 18, 2013

The Cost of Mentoring

 Sarah Flashing:
Even further, we should recognize the cost of speaking truth into someone's life. It may mean that we are brutalized for being counter-cultural. It may lead to the functional end of a relationship. Or it may lead to an immediate blessing in the life of a woman who needed to hear that truth. Titus 2 calls women to risk everything for the sake of the gospel and to be godly examples to younger women, and for younger women to seek their wisdom. Our words should be grace-filled, patient, and firmly rooted in the Word of God.

As for Miley Cyrus, we can pray for godly influences that can help reroute her toward a journey that honors God while using her obvious talents. Her life is worth far more than what the industry will gain in profits.

But the truth is, Miley isn't the only one who needs mentoring. We all need the teaching and encouragement from those who have gone before us and have walked in a similar pair of shoes. Ultimately, the trials and struggles of younger women are not all that different from the older women around them. Wherever we are, we've been called to live as Christ lived—a life of humility and sacrifice—and to encourage the same in the lives of others.
Read the rest.  

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