Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3 Practical Ways to Encourage Your Wife About Physical Beauty

Nicole Whitacre:
So what can you do? 
First, start by asking your wife or daughter about the beauty pressures they face. Granted, some women may be more affected than others, but beauty issues touch us all. 
Second, study Scripture. Labor to read good resources on this topic so that you can encourage, cherish, and lead your wife and daughter. 
Third, encourage true beauty. Lavish your wife with affection and adoration. Be your daughter’s biggest fan. 
Men who take the time to understand—or at least try to understand—the pressures women face will be able to help them resist the lies from our culture and pursue a biblical vision of beauty. Even if you don’t feel like you get it, I guarantee the effort will be greatly appreciated. 
We know you may not want to be caught dead reading a book with a girly cover called True Beauty, and we respect you for that, but learning about true beauty in order to serve your woman is one of the most masculine things you can do.
Read the rest.  

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