Monday, August 21, 2006

Music Monday - Leeland

Leeland just released their new record. There has not been this much hype for a new Christian band in a long long time. You can check it out here (iTunes) or here (Amazon). Something in me doesn't want to jump on the bandwagon quite yet, but I'm sure I'll give in a buy the record sooner or later. From what I have heard in the clips it's pretty amazing stuff for a bunch of guys in their late teens. We shared a flight with them on a recent flight to a festival and they all seemed really cool and down to earth. Hope they read Bob K's latest post to help keep them humble!

1 comment:

Doug E. said...

I saw them at Spirit West Coast and was impressed by their live performance. I pick up a copy of the album and it's pretty good. A couple of the songs are great and make the album worth buying.
