Monday, February 05, 2007

Chapell on Biblical Headship in Marriage

"The example the husband sets has eternal consequences. This means headship is more about controlling one's character than controlling one's wife. The man who is more concerned with how his wife should obey him than with how he should obey God fails the kindergarten of Biblical headship".

-Bryan Chapell, President of Covenant Theological Seminary
From his book, Each For The Other, p. 78.


Anonymous said...

Dave Chapell has a new show about marriage???

Anonymous said...

Why not female headship in a marriage? Why male headship in marriage? What is the significance of the husband's role of authority versus the wife's role of authority. God's heart is not one to give some sort of heiarchy of authority since that would mean one is inferior to the other. Maybe the word man being the "head" of the the wife means "source" of the wife. Because woman was taken out of man and yet justly made in the image of God likwise then man is the source of woman because of where she was taken out from and yet women are the source of men via birth. So, what kind of significant authority is there between wife and husband? What's the difference or is there? Is the husband's role not so much one of a spiritual leader because the wife's spiritual relationship is in direct connection with God not her husband, but maybe the husband's role is more of a protective nature for his wife and family, and that's possibly why God made men physically stronger than woman. Any insight on this vague matter would help. Thanks.