Monday, February 05, 2007

Reflections on an Evening with Joel

Melton Duncan spent an evening attending the Joel Osteen show that is currently on tour. (It's not really called that). He posts some interesting reflections here. He sums up by saying,
What took place at Osteen’s erstwhile crusade in my city can only be described as the next step in Post Modern Pentecostalism. It is the health and wealth gospel for healthy and wealthy people. If the Christian religion is medicine for souls that are poor and needy than Osteen is a bottle of vitamins in an operating room.
(HT: Challies)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But... if you take your vitamins (esp. your Vitamin Z... he he, dumb pun), then you might not end up in the operating room!

I kinda like Joel, though I admit he's a bit of a schmoozer. :)