Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Implications of the Reign of Christ

Doug Wilson says,
The Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father. That should affect things down here.
Further on...
But for too many Christians, this is done in a superficial "Honk if you love Jesus" way. For example, when the faith is taken into the business world, nothing really happens unless you count putting that little fish in the corner of the yellow pages ad. This means that when other Christians look at the ad, they think they ought to take their business there -- "And because we are Christians, maybe he'll give us a discount." I wonder why no one ever says, "Look! A Christian business. Why don't we take our business there so we can add ten percent to our bill -- help out a brother a little." This sort of "religious club" mentality is not the result of submitting our businesses to the authority of Christ; it is simply clannishness. In those businesses where Christ is truly honored, affecting the approach to debt, making payroll, etc., the results are a wonderful testimony to the reign of Christ. So we should long for the day when evangelical Christians have the general reputation for hard work and honest dealing that the Huguenots had in France. We are not there yet.
Read the whole post here. It's good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please read comment from earlier post. Good night man, I'm glad these folks have it all figured out, but the sweeping generalitisms (Bush-speak) are tiring. I posit again, Christians really aren't so bad, and rather than mocking the feeble efforts to swear allegiance to Christ (be it Honk if you Love or icthus on a yellow pages add) it might be kind to say "You're a Christian? Me too! Yippee!!!" Pseudo-Intellectuals are so tiring.

Otto: Apes don't read philosophy
Wanda: Yes they do, Otto, they just don't understand it.