Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This is an image of a family burned to death in Kenya.

Pray for the violence in Kenya to cease.

Read more here.


Greg Schnee said...

i think i hear a choral reprisal of 'God bless america' coming on...

Los said...

Dude, I blogged on the same thing like 5 min after you, crazy.

What is the role for the people of God in this?? when does being a doer and not just a hearer of the word come into play?? do we just pray and wish them well?

Anonymous said...

Z - heartbreaking. My friend Mitch who was with me in Kenya this summer is still trying to get in touch with his friend who lives in the Rift Valley, and is unfortunate enough to be Kiyuku. Also, Pastor Imbumi's wife Martha was attacked by that crazy rasta I wrote about (she made the mistake of marrying a Luo). Makes me think of all the reasons post-colonial Africa is in such dire-straits almost across the board. Can't simply blame it on colonialism or government corruption or environmental concerns, etc. Freaking messed up.