Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thoughts on Teaching in Church

As I am gearing up to do some prolonged (8 weeks) teaching at our church in the form of a membership class, this post was helpful to me.
  1. Teach people, not lessons (it’s people we’re called to serve)
  2. Teach more by teaching less (don’t cover material, uncover the main point)
  3. Teach using a plan (fail to plan, plan to fail)
  4. Teach for life change (this is the goal)
  5. Teach only after you’ve gained attention (don’t assume they’re with you)
  6. Teach what the Bible teaches (context is king)
  7. Teach in ways appropriate to your age group (know your audience)
  8. Teach using relevant issues (The Bible speaks to our times)
  9. Teach heart to heart (share your passion)
  10. Teach with a humble heart (keep growing and learning)

* Taken from Creative Bible Teaching, by Lawrence O. Richards and Gary J. Bredfeldt

(HT: Doug)

1 comment:

Greg Schnee said...

is it cheese if i simply say "amen." good stuff we've discussed the purpose of verbal teaching (whether lecture, preaching or song) is to promote right action. Understanding is mental transformation, a la romans 12, and a renewed mind (the head of the body as Christ is the church) influences the movement of every part. I hope your class encourages all of us to get off our bums and serve to the Glory of God.