Friday, February 01, 2008

Emergent Church - The Church of The Cool

iMonk oversimplifies here on the Emergent Church, but it sure is funny:
I get a lot of books sent to me and offered to me for review. I take very few. Lately, the EC (Emergent Church) books that are actually the same book in different covers have just overwhelmed me. The Traditional Church is bad x10 or 20 or ? Ok. Ok. Ok. I get the point. They all want to take off your tie and make a speech about the failure of western Christianity and especially their church and so on. I’ve contributed mightily to that whining sound. But somewhere between Why Everything Must Change and Why Everyone With Cool Glasses Needs To Be In My Backyard Pool Baptism Service, I’ve gotten somewhat sick of the sound of it.
(HT: Jared)

1 comment:

Los said...

Dang it and I just bought cool glasses, but Macs are still good right??