Thursday, March 13, 2008

"You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry"

Just from the looks of the previews it looks like this movie will be the usual Hollywood cheese, but I love Ed Norton, so I'll probably see it.

Thinking of the Hulk brought back some funny memories...

When I was very little in the early 80's they still had the Hulk TV show on TV. It was always on Friday nights (at least in Iowa where I grew up) right after the Dukes of Hazzard. Dukes at 7 and the Hulk at 8. Even though Friday night was not a school night my parents never wanted to let me watch the Hulk because when I did the usual consequence was me spazing out (with my Hulk underoos on, of course) and breaking stuff around the house. I still managed to watch it at times. My parents didn't like me when I was angry. There was always a path of destruction in the wake of my 5-year-old, underoos wearing, hyperactive, fury.

Funny Postscript: My grandma did ask my Dad at one point if he thought I needed to be medicated.


emily said...

hilarious z! I can imagine you were such a spaz.

Tim Bastron said...

Not to mention, you were always built like the Hulk when you were younger. I can see you running around the house, flexing your tricep for everyone to see.
Don't deny it. I have video footage of you in high school doing it.

MTR said...

I can see 'tense-leps' freaking out at you for spazing out!


Jake said...

Am I the only one who remembers there was a Hulk movie just a couple of years ago? Is everyone admitting that that one was just so bad it's OK to make another one now?