Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Albuquerque Pastors Go To White Castle

So it was our lunch break time at Together For The Gospel. When you have 5000 people trying to eat at the same time things can be a bit congested in the eating establishments within walking distance from the convention center. So our newest hire at the church, Clint, certainly trying to score some brownie points tried to impress us all and found a Subway that was near, but kind of off the beaten path so potentially would have much smaller lines than the ones you can see in the food court pics in the post this one.

Here is the Subway Clint found:

They had a horse statue out front.

Memo tried to mount it.

Unfortunately the line was super long. I wondered aloud, "I bet there might be some other places around here". The team sent me on a mission to find a place with no lines. I walked a block or two and found a couple of choices: White Castle and the somewhat scary run down Chinese place. I called the guys on the z-phone and told them to come down. I was leaning toward the Chinese place since I am from the Midwest where we actually have White Castle. When it comes to White Castle one word comes to mind: BARF. These poor brothers from ABQ had not been exposed to the "glories" of White Castle and so they were just thinking, "Burger and Fries? Sounds good to me!" They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. I tried to sway them, but to no avail.

Pictures tell a thousand words:

I challenged Clint to eat one of his burgers in one bite. He did:


The face says it all:

Can you say false advertising?

Noteable Quotables from our lunch:

1. "You call this food?"

2. "Is meat supposed to have holes in it?"

3. "You mean people actually like this stuff?"

4. "My bread is wet, is that normal?"

5. "This is the nastiest thing I have ever eaten."

6. "I wouldn't feed this to my Compassion child."


Anonymous said...

Weird! The guy in the 5th picture...well I took over his apt right before he moved to NM. I used to work with his wife at Liberty University. Anyways I hope you guys are having a blast at T4G. Wish I was over there...

I was just in the 'ville visiting friends and my church from April 10-14. I was a student at Southern for two years before moving back to Liberty University in '06 for my now fiancee. My fiancee and I are moving back in July 08 to finish at Southern in the Fall.


GFish said...

Z - How did you not talk them out of White Castle? Better question, How is White Castle still in business? It must be Harold & Kumar's marketing of it.

The pics & quotes are hilarious... "wouldn't even feed it to my compassion child"... priceless.

Anonymous said...

If you have a long enough break, you can always grab a bus to get a little further away- :-)

If you've got time, the Highlands is pretty close. It's an ecletic artsy neighborhood. There's a good handful of restaurants there. Mark's Feed Store is pretty good food. KTs is also really good (it's on Lexington Rd in St. Matthews, not quite to Southern.)

Jason Kanz said...

I *love* White Castle. I normally eat very good when I eat out, but there is a special place in my heart for sliders.

emily said...

#1 I'm proud of you your picture taking! Your posts are starting to be as long as mine! :)
#2 LOVED the quotes...start a quotebook! The compassion child one was classic!

dvanoss said...

Find Ollie's Trolley (978 S. Third St. (502) 583-5214). Used to live in Louisville in the 70's and these were the best burgers.

dvanoss said...

Find Ollie's Trolley (978 S. Third St. (502) 583-5214). Used to live in Louisville in the 70's and these were the best burgers.

dvanoss said...

Find Ollie's Trolley (978 S. Third St. (502) 583-5214). Used to live in Louisville in the 70's and these were the best burgers.

dvanoss said...

Find Ollie's Trolley (978 S. Third St. (502) 583-5214). Used to live in Louisville in the 70's and these were the best burgers and fries. (Kids - the 70's were an olden-time when we used to call "flares" "bell-bottoms".)

Jim Coates said...

Van Oss and I have fond memories of White Castle... we went to Promise Keepers in Chicago years ago and stayed at a motel in a .. ummm... very cultural part of Chicago. It was very late when we got there and we were starving. Of course the glowing beacon of a White Castle sign was right next to the motel.

Its the only restaurant I've been to where the money and food was transacted under a little hole in their bullet proof glass/chain link counter area!

Anonymous said...

Dudes, you should know better! There's a reason they call them dog piles sliders. I'm dying to here how you all felt the day after.

Tiffany said...

I have to say that that is one of my favorite places to visit when I go home. YUM!! yes, if you are not used to it you may not enjoy. BUT when you are poor and that is all you can afford. YUM! it's good. They used to have onion chips instead of rings, they were the best. I only got those on special occasions. Sadly those little burgers is something I have craved in my pregnancy. :) Sorry you couldn't find anything better.

Also, I have a fond relationship to White's (pronounced white-tee's).
It was where my parents had their first date. :)