Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Best In Christian Culture Continues...

Is this a joke? Does anyone know? Please tell me it is...



Damian Romano said...

Z, oddly, I don't believe its a joke.

Joe said...

If you squint your eyes, the guy looks like O.J.
At first I was cracking up but then it got unfunny as I witnessed a crook pimping spiritual "blessings". If you want to see some funny preaching, you have to check out Brother Barry. Now this is funny. It's the 80's and a sincerely mulleted chap named Barry is delivering his first message. It doesn't take long for the wheels to fly off. If you like part 1, you have to check out parts 2 and 3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=UGoSd-Xn6Os