Tuesday, October 14, 2008

If You Are Still Thinking of Voting For Obama Please Read This Article

This is one of the most profound indictments against voting for Barack Obama that I have ever seen compiled in one place. Justin Taylor highlights an article by Dr. Robert P. George dealing with the arguments that Christians are giving in favor of voting for Obama. Please read it. Dr. George's conclusion:
What kind of America do we want our beloved nation to be? Barack Obama’s America is one in which being human just isn’t enough to warrant care and protection. It is an America where the unborn may legitimately be killed without legal restriction, even by the grisly practice of partial-birth abortion. It is an America where a baby who survives abortion is not even entitled to comfort care as she dies on a stainless steel table or in a soiled linen bin. It is a nation in which some members of the human family are regarded as inferior and others superior in fundamental dignity and rights. In Obama’s America, public policy would make a mockery of the great constitutional principle of the equal protection of the laws. In perhaps the most telling comment made by any candidate in either party in this election year, Senator Obama, when asked by Rick Warren when a baby gets human rights, replied: “that question is above my pay grade.” It was a profoundly disingenuous answer: For even at a state senator’s pay grade, Obama presumed to answer that question with blind certainty. His unspoken answer then, as now, is chilling: human beings have no rights until infancy—and if they are unwanted survivors of attempted abortions, not even then.

In the end, the efforts of Obama’s apologists to depict their man as the true pro-life candidate that Catholics and Evangelicals may and even should vote for, doesn’t even amount to a nice try. Voting for the most extreme pro-abortion political candidate in American history is not the way to save unborn babies.


Anonymous said...

But his speeches make me feel good. I want to vote for him.

John C said...

So what's the alternative then? Do we think McCain's going to do any better with all of the OTHER issues facing this country right now? Is he any more moral than Obama? (just look at his past!) And there are just a few other issues besides abortion to look at! All one has to do is look at Bush's record of the last 8 years and see where THAT'S got us now. (Real good, huh? Boy, things are great! But I'm dam glad he's anti abortion!) If someone can't get in there to help all of the OTHER issues that need attention, we're going to see a whole lot MORE abortions of all sorts happening, and people of every sort dying, homeless, without health care, crime of every kind sky rocketing (this is all happening already by the way.) Because people and families are going to have no HOMES and NO MONEY. Period. You know, LIVING people matter too!!!! And McCain has just as much of a moral problem in his past and present if you ask me. Just read about his past (a recent article in Rolling Stone was very interesting) and you'll find out all about McCain. So I can't see how a Christian in good conscious can vote for him either given his past exploits and records. His position he's taken on abortion is merely duping Christians/evangelicals into ignoring all the other facts. Trust me, I doubt McCain is any more anti abortion than Obama is if it got right down to it in a real life situation for him.

John C said...

And if you're still thinking of voting for McCain . . .


Vitamin Z said...


Your comment deserves a more detailed response, but if you really equate the editors of Rolling Stone to be on the same level as Dr. George, I fear you are delusional.

Bro, did you read Dr. George's article? Not persuaded?

Vitamin Z said...

I would love to hear you interact with his points.


John C said...

Ya - I did read. And don't get me wrong - it's not like I'm for abortion. Like I asked, what is the alternative then? No one seems to answer that with as much firepower as just "don't vote for Obama!" I just feel there are many MORE issues that need to be looked at besides just that if one is going to be responsible and have a mind. (And yes, Rolling Stone is a different breed of animal in these circles, but you might just want to read the article from last last week (sorry I can't get the link to post correctly.) And I just don't feel it's fair, Godly, or deserving to incinerate a man strictly on one issue alone - no matter who it is. (can you tell me why ELSE we shouldn't vote for Obama?)

I could go on, but a comment posted on the blog you cited sums it up how I feel exactly much better than I could probably do myself:

"Voting for the most extreme pro-abortion political candidate in American history is not the way to save unborn babies."

"Of course it isn't. But if you don't tie yourself mindlessly to a single issue, there are plenty of other reasons to vote for Obama. I'll be honest and say that most people that would argue Obama=prolife (and are there really that many?) are people who really want to vote for him for other, better reasons, but haven't yet allowed themselves to consciously consider abortion only one issue among many."

Unknown said...

John I do not know you however I hear you speaking the same non truths the Obama campaign has continually spoken. Even in your own comments you spoke against bush and said nothing about McCain then merely pointed us to a rolling stones article. I would have to agree with Z on this one.

To say that McCain has as much a moral problem is one of the most insane things I have heard. The American people still are wowed by someone that can give a good speech. It like so called Christians being wowed by Joel Osteen.

Vitamin Z said...


Do you think there are some beliefs that could be held by a candidate that would morally disqualify him/her? If so, what would those be?


John C said...


So leaving a wife and 2 young kids, filing for a marriage license when he was still married, adultery, divorce, don't mean anything morally?

John C said...

Zach, if we scrutinized every single political candidate that's ever run for any office what so ever or ever will, and held them to that, we'd have no one to run our government and many great leaders historically through the ages would be "morally disqualified" as you say. (Would McCain hold up? Would Bush?) And what do you do about people that don't agree with your morals? Again, you can't base it all off of one issue- especially one tied to morals. That's such dangerous narrow minded thinking that has all sorts of implications for the future if that's how we elect our officials.

John C said...

Not voting for Obama because of the one issue of abortion is kinda like saying "I won't buy a Mac because they're too expensive." Oh wait . . . I forgot . . . you did buy a Mac and are a fervent believer in them now! *grin*

Vitamin Z said...


What if the one issue was a belief held that black people shouldn't be allowed to vote. Let say the guy was a complete political genius, yet held that view. That was his only drawback. Would you still vote for him?

How about the same situation, but he believed that a family should have the right to kill a baby within 28 days if it was too stressful for them as parent. Would you still vote for him?


John C said...

I think the main thing for me, and where it irks me the most, is when people accuse someone like Obama of being a "baby killer" or "condones killing babies" (in the extreme, often un-Christ like manner that many evangelicals have which is such a turn off) when it's not Obama that is the one choosing to or doing the killing. It's PEOPLE that choose that for themselves.

I once said here that I felt government and the presidency should be looked at like a business or your local store. You don't base every decision to shop at a certain store or not because the manager is pro choice or not, right? You can't. You choose to go to the best run/most convenient/fair value store, right? But we don't make every decision we make all day long based on someone's moral decision pro or anti abortion, right? We need to view government right now in that same way. Someone that will get the job done that NEEDS to get done. Someone who can actually LEAD. Someone replied to that after I wrote it saying "How would you feel if the store owner was killing every baby on their way out of the store? And that's just it. The store owner isn't the one doing the killing. The people are making that choice. And they will make that choice regardless of the laws. But just maybe, with better wisdom in the white house that serves everyone as a whole, a better leader that DOES make good speeches that actually INSPIRE people to be better human beings to one another (I actually believe that a good speaker/speech IS important - tell me the last time you were inspired by Bush or McCain to do anything from one of their speeches?) just maybe this leader might be able to inspire people to make better choices over all for their lives and choose against abortions? Perhaps he'll lead and inspire in ways that help the nation, rather than pull it down into the muck we're in now, both internationally and domestically? Which in turn will help people not have to WANT or NEED abortions as much as they do now? To me that gives me a lot more hope (sorry to use that word!) than I see from the past 8 years or looking at a McCain presidency. I just can't see it any other way.

Vitamin Z said...


Please answer my question stated above.


John C said...

What if the one issue was a belief held that black people shouldn't be allowed to vote. Let say the guy was a complete political genius, yet held that view. That was his only drawback. Would you still vote for him?

How about the same situation, but he believed that a family should have the right to kill a baby within 28 days if it was too stressful for them as parent. Would you still vote for him?

That's just a different thing Zach - society and governement as a whole has basically agreed at one point or another in history on those issues that they're wrong - and I believe possibly that this comes down to universal laws of common man that people seem to naturally "agree" on at one point or another - for better or worse. Obviously God brought about leaders in the right time of Man to change this. Hopefully He will someday to deal with abortion. I wonder why he hasn't? Is He not listening? Does He not care? Why does God allow this to continue? He could easily wipe it out.

But obviously there has not been that same consensus among people, for better or worse with abortion. While I'm personally against abortion, I just don't believe it can be the end all issue of issues to determine a presidency. Having never cared much for politics my whole life, I feel this now to the depth of my being. And I feel that the taking a stance based on the one issue of abortion by Christians or anyone, while noble in idea, is basically one more way that Christians mindlessly jump on the Christian band wagon just to jump on the band wagon - whether it's to feel morally right/superior, in with the crowd, hip, edgy, whatever.

Let me ask this . . . if Obama WAS anti abortion, who do you think would have a better chance of actually changing things for the better over all with abortion and other domestic/world issues? Obama or McCain? (or Palin?) What if there was the chance for Obama to change his stance on abortion?

We have a responsibility to vote for and pray for the BEST overall candidate based on ALL of the issues and their POTENTIAL for BEST overall leadership in every area. (Can you truly say that with McCain? What potential is there?) And then when they are elected, pray for them in office. Pray for them to stop abortion. Pray for them to paint their hair red - whatever you want them to do and be - pray for! I don't care! But let's put the BEST well rounded smartest guy in there and leave the rest up to our prayer and God. That's all we can do. If you think McCain's the best guy - go for it. If you think Obama is - go for it. Just examine all the issues, OK? We can trust God with it all after that.

John C said...

Would Paul have been morally disqualified before God called him? The disciples?

How many other great leaders of the US and the world would we have to declare morally disqualified if that were to be our basis for election or fit for leadership/public office?

Would you vote for someone who is pro life but morally bankrupt in other areas of their life or leadership? Why does stance on abortion over rule every other moral area of someone's life? How does it compare to adultery? Divorce? Self control? Salvation?

Would you vote for someone that now "says" they're pro-life but in reality has wavered all over the map from moderate to hard right?

Vitamin Z said...


We have been down this road before, but I'll state it again. Your argument based on majority opinion has zero to do with the issue. Remember that slavery used to be majority opinion. I am so glad that people didn't sit around using your line of reasoning on that one. Would you not agree?

Saying that God hasn't dealt with it yet is fatalistic and completely at odds with a Biblical worldview. Take a few days and survey the moral commands in the Bible to fight for justice. Looks for terms like "justice". See if you think that applies to how Christians should fight against abortion.

John, if you don't think abortion, the murder of 45 millions innocent people is not in a unique category then there probably is not much I can do for you. If you can look at partial birth abortion and your candidate BO, who has fought for it at every turn, and say, "YES, that guy get's my vote" then there probably is not much more I can say. But I would advise you to think long and hard about it.

Everyone has dirt in the past, but what is their attitude about it? BO embraces abortion at every turn. Like Dr. George said, this is not some side matter, he is the most pro-abortion candidate EVER! Let that sink in bro. Your guy fights for the right to kill babies at every turn. This is just a raw fact. McCain's issues, though they are present, don't even compare. Read your Bible and see if you think God thinks different crimes are more serious than others.

Again, you would never vote for the pro-infanticide candidate (but we all know that BO is based on his voting on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, see how jacked up your candidate is?). You are thus obligated to demonstrate the difference between abortion and infanticide if you seek to be consistent in your voting.


Unknown said...

John you have raised some valid points. However fro me it is simple and easy to vote for a candidate that is pro life then to vote for one that is pro abortion. In addition to that you may be surprised to know that even if Obama was for pro life I would still vote for McCain because I believe McCain can do great things for our nation and has done so while Obama has done very little. Other than talk.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a group who so desperately wants to avoid being confronted with their decision than self-described Chrisitans who are voting for Barack Obama this November.

They will literally talk themselves dizzy attempting to rationalize and justify it to themselves.