Thursday, October 30, 2008


In reference to this post from a few days ago, Cal Thomas writes:

Obama thought the Warren Court should have “broken free” from the constraints placed on the Constitution and the courts by the Founding Fathers. This is remarkable hubris. Obama said the Constitution mostly “says what the states can’t do to you … what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.” That’s because the Constitution is about liberty and protecting citizens from oppressive and invasive government.

This is scary stuff. That it is only now surfacing is another reminder of the poor job the mainstream media have done in vetting Obama. Barack Obama thinks the Constitution and the country it helped create should be remade in his image. He wants to be a founding father of a different America, one that would bear little resemblance to the country we have known. This is radical in the extreme and Obama, along with his many acolytes who are itching to get their hands on unchecked political power, are a danger to this nation’s survival.
His conclusion:

John McCain stands in the way of a complete liberal coup that would transform America in ways the founders and most Americans would oppose. McCain may be dull at times; he may have run an imperfect campaign; he should have spent more time exposing Obama as a radical socialist instead of worrying what the media would say if he did, but John McCain is a patriot who has proved his love, service and dedication to this country.

Republicans have made many mistakes and deserve the punishment they are now getting, but the one charge that cannot be laid at their doorstep is that they wanted to re-write the Constitution and weaken the country.
Read the the whole thing.

(HT: James Grant)


Christopher Lake said...

John McCain wants strict constitutionalist judges appointed to the Supreme Court-- judges who will carefully interpret the Constitution, consistently with the original authors' intentions.

Barack Obama wants judges who will take a postmodern view of the Constitution and "make law" from the bench-- which results in radically liberal Supreme Court decisions. His view of economics seems to be similar. People, we do *not* need a neo-socialist President!

John C said...

hmmm . . . and this is why the endorsements of McCain on record pail in comparison with Obama's? (The Chicago Tribune endorsed it's first Democrat in it's history? - the same Tribune Company that syndicates Cal.) And Colin Powell?

You can see the all of the endorsements here. Kinda funny when you see the number of Mayors endorsing McCain vs. Obama. Military as well. Are all these people stupid? Believing hubris?

Anonymous said...

Chris - you are right on. The roll of the Constitution in governance should not be mucked with like it has been in recent history. To be honest, though, I'm not sure McCain will have that much power over that issue, given Congress' and Senate's roll in that area, but certainly we won't see the blatant degradation promised to us by the Obama campaign.

John C - The masses of the world endorse a lot of crap, but that doesn't make it right or smart. You're basing your support for Barack around high school politics?

Ask real folks (not media selected pundits) in the military that you run into at the airport coming home from serving in Iraq who would make the best Commander in Chief. Ask those folks which one will survive the nut-kicking match we are about to have with Putin. My vote is for the man who's already survived that kind of treatment with honor and dignity.

John C said...

uhm - Annon - not sure where you're getting "high school politics" from. I think we're talking more than just "masses of the world" when you look at the qualifications of who's endorsing. Then again, there can always be lots of not as qualified also. But I think his endorsement resume looks pretty up there to me. You can't deny that.