Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's Hard To "Limit" A Huge Money Making Industry That Is Fully Legal

There has been much talk on this blog about Barack Obama and abortion. Now that the election will soon be over, I'm sure the heat on this topic will be turned down, but I wanted to mention one point that I don't think has been raised in all the discussion: Abortion is a huge money making industry in this country.

The main thing that Obama says about abortion is that he wants to limit it. How he plans on limiting abortion all the while making it as legal as possible is mind blowing to me (try and use that logic on any other moral issue we have laws against like, spousal abuse, rape, or stealing), but add to this the fact that many doctors and corporations make huge money from abortion doesn't make Barack's case very convincing.

I can say with a high degree of certainly that it is not in the best financial interests of Planned Parenthood to "limit" abortion. What is best for people is never the bottom line, money is. Should not the housing crisis we are in right now show us that the prospect of making money will always win out over what is in people's best interests? Abortionists make big money on the practice of abortion, way more money than encouraging adoption or encouraging parenting, thus limiting it is a pipe dream and financial suicide for those who perform it regularly.

Putting hope in governement programs to turn people's hearts away from the right to kill is a lost cause. And even more so when it is made very easy and very legal. We need the law to restrain evil (Romans 13) and the Gospel to change hearts.

I honestly hope I am wrong and that Obama's policies actually do limit abortions but if I was a betting man my money wouldn't go anywhere near that gambling table.


Tim said...

Limiting a fully legal industry is fairly easy. In fact Obama has a great plan in doing this very thing. The only problem is it is with coal plants. Obama said in an interview, "If they want to build [coal plants], they can, but it will bankrupt them."(1) Coal plants are a fully legal industry but will be unable to practice freely if they are taxed and finned.

Abortion, however, has exactly the opposite effect, now, and even more so under an Obama administration. Instead of being heavily taxed as to 'bankrupt them' they are given taxer payer's dollars to subsidize the cost of the killings.

So, I would disagree, through government interaction, it is very easy to "limit a huge money making industry that is fully legal." However the Obama administration is going after the wrong industry.

1. http://hotair.com/archives/2008/11/03/coal-association-hey-obama-looks-a-little-hostile/

Tim said...

my post above should read: Coal plants are a fully legal industry but will be unable to practice freely if they are taxed and fined. To my knowledge, I do not believe Obama will require coal workers to be replaced by aquatic life.

Vitamin Z said...


When I say "fully legal" in the title, I think I mean free from huge taxation. Limiting a moral evil something that has virtually no penalties is ridiculous. How anyone buys that rhetoric is beyond me.


Vitamin Z said...

"Limiting a moral evil something that has virtually no penalties is ridiculous."

That sentence makes no sense. What it should say is "Limiting a moral evil by making it penalty free is ridiculous."
