Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Are Our Actions Out of Step With The Gospel?

"Our behavior can undermine our belief. It is possible for Christians to believe the gospel in their hearts and even confess it with their months, yet deny it with their lives.

A tragic example comes from the history of the Southern Presbyterian Church prior to the Civil War. In those days it was customary for Presbyterian elders to give their parishioners tokens signifying that they were eligible to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Sadly, in some churches African slaves were not given the customary silver token, but one made of base metal. Nor were they allowed to receive the sacrament until all the white church members had been served. This was a divisive and prejudicial way of handling a sacrament that God intends to signify our union together in Christ. Whether the elders believed the gospel or not, their actions clearly denied it.

What do our actions say? Do our friendships, our dinner invitations, and our ministry partnerships demonstrate our commitment to the unity and community we have in Christ? Or are our actions out of step with the gospel?”
- Philip Graham Ryken, Galatians, p. 59

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