Here is today's projected high temperature for my home town of Cedar Falls, IA. (At the time of this writing, it was -23. Not wind chill, actual temperature. That is jacked up.)
Here is the projected high temperature for Albuquerque today:
I know suffering builds character and all, but I like living in the desert this time of year.
It is a balmy 14 below (w/out wind chill) in Northern Illinois. So, we are kind of a happy medium between CF and New Mexico.
School is called off. We have a son hurling with some sort of bubonic plague.
Consider this a post-card with, "Wish you were here." at the bottom.
Today I'm pretty thankful for the decision I made a couple years ago to move from Minneapolis (high yesterday of -12) to the central California coast (high yesterday of 73).
Currently -39 with the wind chill.
So jealous.
Yes, but we also have the change of seasons. I'll take that trade-off of gorgeous trees in the fall, crisp cool air, and the smell of spring for a couple of days in the year that your skin can freeze on contact with the arctic air.
- Annelie (in balmy -4 degree Des Moines)
In Texas, winter is 50 degrees on average. Yah, I'll take that thanks.
Is it true that you can leave a bag of chips out and it won't get stale?
The grass is always greener... er.... except in the desert. Just kidding. I loved my time in Iowa, in Phoenix, Arizona and I love it in Japan. Each has good and bad points. I do miss central heating though!
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