Friday, February 06, 2009

What the Mexico City Policy Does With Your Money

Writing to his fellow Catholics (could be evangelicals as well), Paul Kengor, explains what the Mexico City Policy does with your tax money. I found this section noteworthy. He writes:

The “Catholics for Obama” who produced these bitter fruits, especially those Catholics who are “personally opposed” to abortion or who voted for Obama for reasons “other” than abortion or who accepted the Democrats’ claim that the party intends abortion to be “safe, legal and rare,” have been badly used.

They have been duped, as have 46% of their Protestant brethren who joined them.

The cynical political left calls them “useful idiots.” Their very troubling ignorance was exploited by the abortion promoters who found them useful. Of course, it is difficult to excuse their ignorance, given that Obama openly promised to do precisely these things.

The consciences of these Catholics were purchased with a price that will be felt in dozens to more than a hundred countries around the world. Our ignorance has truly become deadly.

America’s new export to the world: abortion.

Read the rest.

(HT: James Grant)

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