Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jim Cramer Gets Worked

This is awkward. This is going to give me nightmares of when I used to have to go to the principals office as a kid.

(HT: Josh Harris)


Jason Kanz said...

Yeah, I found John Stewart's normally insightful, but reasonably light-hearted, approach to the issues minimized here with a much more pointed address. I felt bad for Cramer.

Anonymous said...

This has a feeling of, "Assume the position. ... Count aloud ...."

Anonymous said...

Cramer got worked, and I'm no fan of either man, but Cramer is still a much, much, much brighter person than Jon Stewart. Were they to have a serious discussion about stocks or finance, Cramer would make Stewart look like an idiot. Stewart's game of never having to be held accountable because he can fallback on "hey, it's just comedy!" helps him in these situations, but he'd get "worked" on any show where he wasn't allowed to do that.