Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Great Question

"I can’t help but look back on all the entertainment I’ve consumed and think “Has all of this been anywhere close to a net positive in my spiritual maturity?”'
- Kevin DeYoung

Read the rest of his reflection on entertainment.

(HT: Andy Naselli)

1 comment:

Christopher Lake said...

Great post. God dealt with me a while back, regarding some of the God-dishonoring music (lyrically speaking) that I was allowing myself to listen to, even as a believer-- and now, He is dealing with me on movies.

I don't watch many "mainstream, Hollywood" movies-- at the risk of seeming pretentious, I like indie and foreign films, because they often deal with more serious subjects, in a more thoughtful way, than many mainstream American films. At the same time though, if I am honest, more than a few of these indie and foreign films that I have watched, over the years, have had content that was not spiritually helpful for me. Posts like Kevin's here (and obviously, the Bible's teaching itself!) are helping me to be honest about some of what I have exposed myself to-- and to repent of it.