Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Dose of Financial Perspective

Walt Mueller reflects on his recent trip to Rwanda:
Part of my problem is that I'm not Bill Gates or Donald Trump. That fact has allowed me to somehow believe that I identify more with the poor than with the rich. Line me up with all Americans from richest to poorest and I'm not anywhere near the front of the line. There are millions and millions of people between me and the aforementioned big boys. But line me up with the world's population and I'm in the top two or three percent. . . . far, far ahead of the poorest of the poor whose mud, dung, and corrugated metal shacks I was soon to visit for the first time in my life. I pay more over the course of a year for the cup of coffee I drink every morning than they make during the same 365 days.
Read his whole post.

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