Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let Creation Help You Increase Your Fear of the Lord

In our home group, we are working our way through Ed Welch's book, When People Are Big and God is Small. I have found it to personally be very beneficial and I would highly recommend you picking up this book. It's a challenging read, not in the sense of the style, but rather it will crawl up into your lap and show you your sin. Not comfortable, but very needed.

One of the remedies that he gives for helping people decrease their fear of man is to increase their fear of the Lord. How do we do that? Two main ways: 1) read your Bible, 2) and get out and experience creation. I'll let you read the book to see how he fleshes these two points out, but this video from Francis Chan will probably contribute to the 2nd point.


Scott Sterner said...

This is so Louis Giglio. When he got out to the furthest view, I was waiting to see Jesus face in the galaxies or something.

Of course, I am joking. It is cool the magnitude of creation.

Christopher Lake said...

The information in this video is mind-boggling (even as I'm not a big fan of videos in worship services, generally speaking-- I'm a regulative principle guy). Such truths stir me to forget about myself by pointing me to the self-existent, omnipotent, majestic, loving, just God who will *always* be more than I can exhaustively understand.

He *alone* is worthy of reverent fear and awe-- not man. I must remember this in my "fear of man" moments-- of which there have been all too many in the past several months (very humbling). God is God! I AM-- two of the most profound words imaginable! Thank you, Lord, for stirring our hearts to see and love the awesome realities of You and Your creation!