Friday, July 03, 2009

A Missional 4th of July

Along with Halloween, the 4th of July can be a great time to get to know your neighbors. Most people spend some time outside blowing up things and watching a mini pyro display. Why not choose to be in the front instead of the backyard? Instead of gathering with all your friends exclusively, why not try and make new ones for the sake of the gospel? Or better yet, have your Christian friends over and then all hang out outside in order to demonstrate to your neighbors what Christian community looks like and then seek to incorporate them in.

One of my favorite (not really) 4th of July memories:

One time in high school, I was screwing around with some firecrackers and one went off in my hand. Not cool. My thumb was numb for awhile. I was with a buddy who thought it was ridculiously funny. I didn't. I thought my piano playing days were over. Don't melt your face or blow off your fingers tomorrow night.

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