Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stetzer on Secret Sins

Recently Ed Stetzer preaching a message on secret sins. Here is his outline:
1. Secret sins are only that way for a short time.

2. Private sin can deliver the community of faith into public defeat.

3. The church's toleration of sin leads to a communal rejection of the mission.

4. A return to God's mission begins with repentance before God's standard.

The lie: Secret sin in your life and in the church will not hinder the mission of God.

The answer: Live a gospel-centered, repentance-filled life.
Click over to see the video and read his comments on these points.

1 comment:

John C said...

This message by John Ortberg "A Leader's Greatest Fear" rocked my world (and many others) from a few years ago at a conference. You can hear it here. Just look down the page for John Ortberg and you can download the QT file. (unfortunate I can't seem to find an easy to get MP3 other than for purchase.)

Similar connection to "secret sins" but more dealing with what Ortberg calls your "Shadow Mission" - that part of you that you want to no one to know about that is a "shadow" motivation for why you're in ministry. Very sobering.
