Saturday, October 03, 2009

Together For Adoption - Session Three - Scott Roley

“Adoption and the Pursuit of Racial Reconciliation”

Scott gave a very passionate message about how we can see the Gospel in transracial adoption.

There is no bias in the adoptive work of Christ. Scott reminded us that we are one body in many different tribes. We can reflect the adoptive work of Christ (who is no respecter of race when he adopts lost and forgotten people into his family) when we adopt. He adopts from ALL tribes, tongues, and nations. He is creating a new family. There is one unity in this family and his new family in the New Heavens and New Earth will be gloriously diverse. We are pursuing and following our leader in doing this work now. We are acting out the prayer, “Let your Kingdom come, let your will be done” when we pursue transracial adoption.

After laying this theological foundation he took us through a tour of his life and experience with providing foster care for many different children over the years and adopting some of these children.

Scott told us many stories of how these truths worked out in his life. These stories were passionate and motivational. He closed with some bullet points that I feel are noteworthy:
  • He has felt that for some races, transracial adoption is the equivalent of genocide. This is a lie of the enemy and should be fought against.
  • He told us that by 2050 the ethic landscape of the whole United States will be completely different. Anglos will soon be a minority. Are we ready for this? Are Christians willing to lead out in modeling grace and unity with other races?
  • We holler about stopping abortion, but we have to be consistently pro-life from the womb to the tomb. Let’s be a community that is known for caring for orphans. That is our calling.
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