Friday, October 02, 2009

Together For Adoption - Session Two - Scotty Smith

A verbal preview of his message:

The title of Scotty's message was, "The Freedom of Adoption".

His three main points were very foundation for our understanding of spiritual adoption.

1. Freedom of legal rights - Adoption secures us in a state of objective blessings

Through the use of Gal. 4:4-7 and Col. 1:12-13, Scotty demonstrated for us the greatness and glory of our legal standing, in Christ, as justified. These are objective blessings that are true about us whether we feel them or not. We have an eternal inheritance that will be made manifest in the New Heavens and the New Earth. These are huge cosmic truths that should be mediated upon over and over again. We no longer relate to God as our judge, but as our Father. This is a huge difference. This quote was notable, "Do you know that by God’s bidding, when you look in your judge’s face you find a savior there?" We can't add to this good news. Not even by adopting 17 kids. You can't add to the finished work of Christ. It's a done deal. Accept it. Believe it. Place your trust and faith in it.

2. Freedom of personal delights - Adoption calls us into a realm of subjective wonder.

These truths should cause our hearts to spring forth with a personal experience of awe, wonder, and delight. What a blessing it is to know that Jesus said he would not "leave us as orphans" (John 14:18). We like to operate with God as if we are Fatherless, but through repeated meditation upon the truths of point #1 above, over time, our subjective experience of joy in the Gospel will consistently increase.

3. Freedom of the missional life

With Romans 8:18-25 in mind, Scotty reminded us that one day God is going to finish his story. One day orphans will be orphans no more. We won't even need the word "orphan" anymore. Now we get to work with God in his mission. This is not a burden, but a blessing to be entered into. Jesus' work for us signs us on for a new job. Not to earn anything, but to be blessed to share in the work of making things right again.

The Gospel will motivate us to live sacrificially. We just have to get the Gospel. We have to let the Gospel propel us forward. We are living God’ story to his glory.

1 comment:

Jessica Smith said...

My heart leapt for joy with this comment "One day orphans will be orphans no more. We won't even need the word "orphan" anymore."

I believe that with my whole heart!But until that day, God has given us a mandate to care for orphans... which is a blessing unto itself!

Thank you for being bold with your words and your faith!

For the One,
