Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Health Savings Account - Remedy For Heath Care Mess

Matt Perman, in his usual exhaustive approach, lays out why he believes that Health Saving Account (HSA) is the way to solve this health care mess we have in the US. He begins his piece with this:

The reason that we are in this health care mess is that nobody has stated a clear case for health savings accounts.

Health savings accounts just may be the “sleeping solution” to the health care problem. But people aren’t seeing this because most of the time when health savings accounts are discussed, it is in IRS language that most people tune out. It is very hard to find an explanation in plain language of how health savings accounts actually work, let alone how they make health care more affordable and less of a hassle for real people.

My aim here is to make the case that health savings accounts can take us a long way toward solving the health care crisis. To do this I’m going to discuss four things:

  1. How to go about solving complex problems like health care (move from easy to hard)
  2. How health savings accounts can improve health care for most of the nation
  3. The role government should play
  4. How health savings accounts help us deal with the more difficult issues in the health care debate
Read the whole thing.

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