Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Z Music - Fugue in C Minor, Bach

Musically, this is one of the things I have been working on for the past few months. I am no classical player, but love the challenge of it. I don't read music all that well, thus these types of pieces take me forever to learn. It's a great workout for the fingers and Bach was from another planet in terms of his talent, so it's a joy to enter into his music. I am hoping to perform this piece and another one for a recital in March. I still have a ways to go. It's far from perfect, but it's getting there.

Fugue in C Minor - Bach from Zach Nielsen on Vimeo.


Joe Selness said...

Very nice! I'm not into jazz very much, but I like Dave Brubeck a lot. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've always had a feeling that he is very influenced by classical piano more than other jazz musicians. Keep it up.

Jeremy said...

Wonderful job!
It may be "far from perfect" but it sounds good to me...
Keep pressing on!

Anonymous said...

listening to your piano playing was very enjoyable. it was a highlight to my little morning break/rest.