Monday, July 05, 2010

Book Giveaway for July

In partnership with Crossway Books, in May, I'll be giving away three copies of D.A. Carson's, Collected Writings on Scripture.

If you want to be entered in the random drawing, sign up for the RSS feed (or twitter if you already have subscribed to my RSS) and email me to let me know. If you already have both (or don't use twitter) just email me anyway and let me know you want in.

I'll announce the winners next Monday.

Here is a description:
A collection of five essays and nine book reviews from a respected scholar’s reflection on the doctrine of Scripture.

God’s Word has always had enemies, but in recent years the inspiration and authority of Scripture have been attacked with renewed vigor. Respected scholar D. A. Carson has written widely on the nature of Scripture over the past thirty years, and here presents a timely collection of his work in two parts.

In part 1, Carson selects essays written on such themes as how to interpret the Bible, recent developments in the doctrine of Scripture, unity and diversity in the New Testament, and redaction criticism. Presenting a theologically balanced and confessional perspective, Carson defines the terms of a number of debates, critiques interpretive methods and theories, and suggests positive guidelines for future action.

Part 2 presents critical reviews of nine books dealing with the inspiration and authority of Scripture. Though substantial in content, Carson’s detailed reviews will foster careful thought and perspective in those who are relatively new to the debates surrounding biblical inspiration and authority.

This volume is a diverse collection that will prove to be a helpful resource to both seasoned pastors and scholars and those who are just starting serious study of the Bible.

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