Monday, July 05, 2010

Another Reason Why Biblical Theology is Vital

Collected Writings on ScriptureBiblical theology forms an organic whole. This means not only that one can approach any part of the subject by beginning at any other point of the subject (though some vantage points are certainly more helpful than others), but that to treat some element of biblical theology as if it existed in splendid isolation seriously distorts the whole picture.
On few subjects is this more obviously true than with regard to one’s doctrine of Scripture. In this skeptical age it is doubtful if an articulate and coherent understanding of the nature of Scripture and how to interpret it can long be sustained where there is not at the same time a grasp of the biblical view of God, of human beings, of sin, of redemption, and of the rush of history toward its ultimate goal.
- D.A. Carson, Collected Writings on Scripture, p. 19

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Anonymous said...

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