Monday, March 19, 2012

Michael Hyatt on What 10,000 Hours of Blogging Gets You

Guest Post by Owen Strachan

Michael Hyatt with an interesting post on what he's learned from blogging 1,000 posts. I made up the 10,000 hour number, which is of course what Malcolm Gladwell argues is the target you need to hit to be really good at something. Here's a snatch from Hyatt's article:
Blogging has established my authority and expertise. It used to be that you had to get a Ph.D. or write a book to establish your expertise in a subject area. While these are still valid paths, blogging provides a third alternative. For example, I do not have a degree in leadership nor have I written a book on that topic. Yet, I am constantly asked to speak on leadership and am interviewed by the media on this topic. Why? Because I have one of the most popular leadership blogs.

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