Monday, January 20, 2014

A Missional Community Primer

Helpful stuff from Jonathan Dodson:
Over the past five years we’ve trained, failed, and multiplied a lot of missional communities. Several years ago we moved to a more formal training (and re-training) process to set and reset the identity and commitments for each missional community. We found this is important because it’s human nature to drift from your values and commitments. 
A group may start off with bold aims for engaging non-Christians with gospel hope, showing mercy to their city, and being a “family”  not meeting. When we set out with these aims, we’re driving upstream, against our self-centered, cliquish cultural current. However, everyone experiences mission and community drift. In order to remain focused and stay behind Jesus, not cultural currents, we need reminders, guides, and communally formed commitments. This is why we created a Missional Community Primer.
  • Every missional community goes through the Primer at the beginning of the year.
  • The process is very conversational, with the aim of applying our core values into clear, firm commitments
  • We occasionally pull it out through the year to celebrate, repent, or redirect.
Feel free to check it out, copy it, download it, improve upon it, or whatever you like (just include a link back or footnote for folks to find it).

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